Sheikh Hamdan approves latest phase of Dubai Future Solutions programme

Fazza at Dubai Future Solutions

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, Crown Prince of Dubai, on Sunday approved the next phase of the Dubai Future Solutions project, which seeks to support and nurture talent to help transform the emirate into a global innovation hub.

The programme was approved at a signing ceremony between the Dubai Future Foundation and the Hussain Sajwani – Damac Foundation.

The aim is “to create a dynamic platform that attracts leading innovations, projects and experimental ideas from across the world, including contributions from bright students, top universities and international institutions, with the aim of ... benefitting humanity”, Sheikh Hamdan said.

Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed, chairwoman of the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, will oversee the project.

“Our objective is to spotlight a variety of future-oriented ideas ... that have a positive impact on society,” she said, in comments reported by Wam.

Khalfan Belhoul, chjef executive of the Dubai Future Foundation, said that the programme underscored the emirate's commitment to enhancing innovation.

Hussain Sajwani, founder and chairman of the Damac Group, said the project would involve "the brightest minds, talents and competencies, as well as cutting-edge AI solutions".

Source: The National News

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